Monday, August 9, 2010

More blessed to give, than to receive

Last week a friend blessed me with fellowship as we had dinner together. Quite without warning I saw a tiny newborn baby girly with her mom and dad. I struck up a conversation with the mom only to be pleasantly and unexpectedly bonded into a brand new wonderful friendship with a complete stranger. I learned that my new friend was from Pennsylvania and that she and her husband were here because they had just adopted this beautiful baby. As time drew near for our exits, we exchanged contact information and Jen to ld me that her husband Joe was leaving the following day, they had two little boys back home and he had to return to work. Jen and I suggested that we get together before she went back, and she said that she would just love to get out of her hotel with the baby, but she had no car. Yesterday after church I went and picked up Jen and baby Gabriella. We spent the afternoon out as we delighted and engaged in “girlee” time. Although I was completely exhausted from working for about 12 hours the past few days, it was such a blessing to be with my new friend and to be a blessing to her. A small thing, like getting her out of the hotel for the day, turned out to be a great time for us both. We laughed, we showed Gabriella all kinds of adorable new clothes for her, we shared coffee, and smiles, but most of all…we shared our hearts.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

For the sake of the Children

As I reflect on the past 7 months of teaching at C.C. Ronnow, I soon discovered that no matter how many things I disagree with in a school, bottom line-I adore the children! There is a strange dichotomy between being an impassioned school teacher and a mom-one does it all for the sake of the children. I never realized while growing in in the suburbs, playing house with my dolls and "teaching" summer school in backyard during the summer, just how much God created me for children. All I have to do is look at a child and an electrical fuse lights me up inside like a Christmas tree adorned in all of its splendor. I have found no greater joy than nurturing children every single day of my life! If I could not touch the life of a child each and every day, then I honestly think that I would die! I am so going to miss my precious 3rd graders. I love you Michelle, Rachell, Felipe, Dulce, Brandon, Juan, Maria, Julian, Laisha, Jessie, Catherine, Jasmin, Alex, Jesse, Renny, Joanna, Brian, Alicia, and Jacqueline. You are the hidden treasure in the earth, and you will always be the hidden treasure in my heart!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Glory and The Lifter of my Head

When I woke up this morning I began feeling some of the losses, hurts, and disappointments in my life I remembered that this journey that I am on is all about letting go of all of the hurts, disappointments, and losses that life has dealt me. I decided rather than feeling sad, and lonely, I would begin singing praise and worship to the Lord. Before I knew it, I was praising Him for being the lover of my soul, and everything that I have ever needed! I felt a depth of love and warmth envelop me, and all I could do was be kind and giving to others all day long. In fact, one of my colleagues mentioned to me that I am one of the happiest people that she has ever seen, and wanted to know how it was that I am so happy every day. I love that the joy of the Lord is my strength and that He truly is the glory and the lifter of my head!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Living to Love

Wow, God just continues to increase the measure of His love towards me and in me! I was so blessed yesterday to spend the day with my best friend (well, sister really) of 30 years, and it was such a special time! We laughed, and looked deeply into each other’s souls while we shared some of the deepest gratitude for one another. On my journey, I am making it a point to tell at least one person each day, to his/her face, just how grateful I am to have them in my life, and how each one has specifically touched my heart, and that I am so appreciative to be sharing this phenomenal experience with them.
I wonder what image of God you hold? Do you imagine Him as the kind and loving father and friend that He is? If not, I urge you to take the time to pray and spend some time allowing Him to whisper into you heart, and wrap you in the warmth of His love-It may be just what you need today.
Looking through the narrow picture frame of my life, I see the wondrous beauty, the delicate majesty, and fragility of our existence in the earth. Don’t be left hungry for love, I am here, I am your friend, and better than that, Jesus is here for you! Let His love give you the courage to dream again, the fortitude to do great things, and the humility to recognize that it is His very presence that allows us to be her-together today!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Living an Impacting Life

Have you ever thought about how you, as one human being, can have some sort of significant impact on another person’s life? I think about it all of the time. Each day when I wake up, I ask God to show me whose life I can personally touch that day in such a way that would bring joy to his/her heart. So, for the past few days, I have deliberately phoned two restaurant managers to purposefully compliment service and/or food, and I did it so that neither the server, nor the chef were aware of my actions. I stopped on purpose to attend to a man who was hit by a car, however, he died anyway, so sad. I stopped everything I was doing to just sit and look a child in the eye while he pontificated about a truck, and he had many other stories as well. I have offered hug, a prayer, and a listening ear, and all for the sheer delight that my heart receives to demonstrate caring towards others. I took the time to share in my son’s winning baseball game, to sheepishly bowl with my other son and his girlfriend, and to sit and watch the wonder of little children playing with their parents-What joy my heart is feeling. I truly am so blessed as I watch carefully like a calculating spy, to find just the right moment in time, and just the right person to reach out and touch in a secret way. I love my life!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Journey Begins!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...Is that a good thing? We will find out through this year. Have you ever wondered if how you've spent your life, up to this point, in a way that has encompassed the value of yourself and others? Were those intentions that you had begun with realized? I ask myself, "Where was I going to be in the journey of life at 49 years old anyway?" "In terms of family, self, and spirit am I even sure I know where I am supposed to be?" Here's what I had hoped for and dreamed of. I had hoped to adopt a little girl from China, to have had my first book written and published, to be an accomplished mother, journalist, figures skater, coach, and friend. I had wished to have mastered the subtle nuances of femininity and womanhood, but most of all; I had hoped to touch lives of others in such a profound way that, what remained was the fingerprint of God's love upon their hearts. How am I doing on this journe? Well, I have decided to explore the passage of my 49th year while on the expedition of a lifetime moving towards my 50th year. I will blog events that matter to me most for next full year. Follow me as I contemplate what I have accomplished, what I have yet to accomplish and let you into the hidden places of my heart.